Child Find
School districts are required to locate, identify and evaluate children with disabilities within their attendance area. Referrals may come from a variety of sources, but the most common is the child's parents. Initial referrals or request for consultation are handled by calling the Gallup Hill School office at 860-536-9477.
Screenings help determine if a child has delays that may require further evaluation. Free screenings are available for children ages 3 and 4 (not Kindergarten eligible) who live in Ledyard or Gales Ferry. They are currently offered monthly by appointment throughout the school year.
Screening Location:
Gallup Hill School
169 Gallup Hill Road
Ledyard, CT 063389
Call for Appointment:
Any parent who is interested in having their child participate as a non-disabled peer student should schedule a screening appointment at Gallup Hill School. Screening takes about an hour, and children visit stations with staff who will assess their Developmental Skills, Speech & Language Skills, Hearing, and Vision. Parents will be asked to complete a Parent Questionnaire.
Screenings are not intended for children who are eligible for kindergarten. Children who pass screening will be eligible to apply for a position as a non-disabled peer student in the program for the school year. Handouts with more information will be available the day of screening.